Here are some of the shaders that I’ve worked on my own time.

All made in Unreal Engine 5.

Speed Lines

Thanks for the help: Ben Cloward

This is one of my favorite effect in games, and I had to remake it.

After recreating Ben Cloward’s version, I wanted to clean some edge cases and add extra controls allowing you to move the effects center on the screen.

Titanfall Cockpit Intro

This blueprint animates the shader parameters for each screen segment. Each animation plays in a random order.

Uses 5 texture masks for each screen segment.

Each segment’s UV is animated as if the outside cameras are being calibrated for alignment to create a larger image for the pilot.

All done in post processing.

Cross Hatching Post Processing

Thanks for the help: Kamil Hepner, Visual Tech Art

First the shader gathers the shadow mask. Then applied a hatching texture to the Low, mid, & High shadow masks. Each hatching mask strength can be adjusted using a curve. Finally, a outline shader is applied to show the edges of the model.


3D Modeling Mania